We offer a biweekly clinical consultation group for mental health providers at all stages of their careers. Clinical support is offered through conversation, case presentations, role-plays, and examination of counter-transference.
It is unavoidable that we as therapists participate in our clients’ relational patterns. This naturally stirs up difficult feelings. The group will support you to use these feelings constructively in service of understanding your client on a deeper level. Parallel feelings and patterns can emerge in the group, leading to rich insights into clinical challenges.
Because consultation is most helpful when therapists speak openly and freely, we focus on fostering the mutual trust necessary for open communication. Consultation sessions typically move fluidly between process, technique, theory, and practical clinical guidance.
Additionally, it’s a space to network and develop professional skills such as seeking new job opportunities, negotiating fees, navigating licensure requirements and laying down the groundwork for creating or expanding your private practice.
Develop a sense of community with colleagues, avoid burnout, and finally practice what you preach about self-care!
For details on dates, times, and fees, contact Jeremy Ortman at 646-707-2224.