

People pleasing is exhausting and leads to resentment. It’s a coping mechanism we learned early in our lives to stay safe.  Reconnect with yourself and become more authentic in your relationships.

People pleasing is a common pattern if

  • You find yourself over-apologizing or over-explaining

  • You say “yes” to avoid guilt then later regret it

  • You regularly feel resentment in your relationships (taken advantage of, used)

  • You’re on call 24/7 for people whenever they’re having issues or a crisis

  • Conflict creates intense anxiety, and you’ll do anything you can to avoid it

Most people who people please have been conditioned to put parent figures needs before their own since childhood.  You might have:

  • Played a role of a therapist to a parent

  • Helped parents with marital issues by being a "best friend" or emotional support to a parent

  • Played a major role in the household (took care of siblings, cleaned house, hid addictions)

This group will help you:  

  • Learn and practice setting boundaries without over-explaining or apologizing.

  • Learn to tune into yourself and notice what your needs are and when you need rest, you want connection, you're hungry, you're needing space.

  • Understand healthy emotional responsibility. Despite our conditioning, we're not responsible to fix the emotional state of others.

  • Learn to be misunderstood.  It can feel so painful, we'll avoid it at all costs.  It doesn't however mean we're "bad" or unlovable. It means, people have their own perspective and not everyone sees things the way we do.

  • Learning to be authentic, even when this doesn't come with approval is part of adulthood. 

We’ll help you unravel the root problem behind power struggles, burnout, and fears of disconnection.  Break the cycle of anxious pleasing and live up to our bold, creative potential.

To learn more contact Leigh Ware at